Commands cheatsheet
A list of all bot commands and what they do.
Use this, followed by a description for your page, to craete an About section for your Stream.
Example usage: /about This is a really cool stream, trust me.
Reply to a message with this command to remove it from your Stream. You can delete the message itself, but only after you’ve done this.
Returns a link to your account dashboard, where you can manage your posts and style settings.
Returns the URL at which your ready-to-export Markdown data is available.
Returns a list of frequent user queries, and their answers.
Will display information about the Streams project, and basic usage instructions.
Use it to view or change you keyphrase that is used to make your Stream private.
Example usage: /keyphrase new-keyphrase
(or /keyphrase
Follow this command with the name of a layout to set a new layout for your Stream.
Example usage: /layout wall
Provides you with a list of layout names you can choose from.
Reply to a message with this command to get the link to that particular Drop.
Recieve a link to your dashboard, and your login credentials.
Change your password that you use to log into the web dashboard.
Example usage: /password very-secure-code
Reply to the Telegram message associated with a deleted Drop to change it’s status to undeleted.
Returns a link to your Stream’s RSS feed.
Use this command, followed by a link (or the name of) the Stream you want to subscribe to. You can browse through your subscriptions at the Feed page.
Example usage: /subscribe
or /subscribe judah
Same thing, use this followed by either a link or name of a Stream you’re subscribed to in order to unsubscribe from it.
To use tags, you need to create it first using /tag create tag-name
. You can then add the tag to a Drop by replying to it with /tag tag-name
Example usage: /tag create workout
and replying with /tag workout
This will return a list of tags and their respective aliases.
When you create your Stream, your Telegram username is used as the title for the Stream’s page. Use this command to set your own title.
Example usage: /title My Cool Stream
Follow this command with the name of a theme to set a new theme for your Stream.
Example usage: /theme notebook
Provides you with a list of themes you can choose from.
Returns the link to your Stream.
Change your account’s username (used for web login).
Example usage: /username coolname